Wednesday 19 December 2012

Queer Xmas part 1

Saturday 8th December was the last ever Bad Rep dance party, or what I'm now going to refer to as Queer Xmas what with Queer Zine Fest London taking place during the day and then partying hard at night with the final ever Bad Rep. The whole day was pretty insane and wonderful and inspiring. Oh my god SO FUCKING INSPIRING!

I tabled at Queer Zine Fest with long time Bad Rep regular Johanna who runs the Riotmade with Love zine project. Here we are selling our zines

We even got seated next to our super awesome friends from the bop who were selling their zines and brand new Unskinny Bop t-shirts!

The day was utterly brilliant and inspiring. It was so great to talk to everyone selling their zines, even if I couldn't afford to buy them all. I especially loved chatting with everyone that came to our table. I wasn't gonna bring my Bruce Springsteen zine with me as I though I probably wouldn't sell any at queer zine fest, but holy crap it sold out super quickly and everyone that bought a copy GOT IT. Queers love Bruce! It's definitely inspired me to write #2 now.

All of the Bad Rep crew were there hanging out and eating amazing food made by Cinnamon Buns zine and attending awesome talks or looking round the two amazing exhibitions in the space. You can still visit the Shape and Situate exhibition and the Music and Liberation exhibitions at Space Station Sixty Five until January and they are well worth visiting. The reason I loved Queer Zine Fest more than other zine fests is that well it's queer for a start, it's amazing to be in a space dedicated to just queer focused zines, it's so exciting and much needed. Also I've been fed up with a lot of zine fairs that seem dedicated to more art based zines where you pay £6 for a zine with a line drawing of a bird on some fancy tracing paper. That's not a zine, well I'm sure it is to other people, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Every zine I picked up on Saturday was exciting and inspiring. Some favourites included Radical Sameness, What I Ate Where, Hard Femme, and Colouring Outside the Lines, these were AMAZING!!

Hi-fives and much love to Charlotte Richardson Andrews who organised the whole event, and roll on QZFL2013!

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